Frank A. Speney
Fabrication Specialist
As a Senior Graphic Designer, Speney’s primary responsibility is to serve as a liaison between KMA and clients/fabricators from project inception to conclusion. With a background in fabrication, Speney provides an extra level of client comfort and project thoroughness to each step of the process. From cost estimating to executing punch lists, his primary responsibility is to represent the interests of the client in each and every step of a project.
Speney is well-versed in codes affecting signage, including the 2010 ADA, MUTCD, JCAHO requirements, National Fire Code and state/municipal codes particular to various projects.
Other responsibilities include: inventorying existing signage, development of historical documentation, assisting with the development of message schedules and sign placement for appropriate pedestrian and vehicular circulation and maintaining direct communications with other designers, clients, and fabricators.
Speney has served as a graphic designer on projects of all sizes. Working in tandem with the various specialties of the KMA team, he ensures each project unsurpassed representation. In addition, Frank oversees all construction details created by the KMA staff quality controlling them for viability in the built environment.